Gatorade and Glory Races

Posted by Genna | Posted in , | Posted on 2/12/2009


Maybe its just me but I’ve been watching NASCAR for a few years and I’m still rather confused about the Gatorade Duels. Don’t get me wrong, I understand the concept but what I don’t understand entirely is the method. You’d think I would get it by now but I just don’t. I have a basic understanding of the rules and such, though that part seems to get more and more confusing each year.

I guess I can’t really complain though. The Duels are fun and exciting, plus that’s two extra races each year that we get to watch. There’s just something more gritty about glory races that makes them far more exciting than a regular points race. There’s something about going all out without worrying about taking out a points contender or messing up your own points. Something about watching your driver hop out of his car in Victory Lane after he’s just become the Budweiser Shootout champion.

I’d have to say my personal favorite is the All-Star Race. That has got to be the most exciting one to watch. Its all of NASCAR’s superstars racing against each other for a one million dollar glory prize.

Being that there are a few of them a year, what’s your favorite NASCAR glory race?

Enjoy today’s Duels! Go 14, 5, 39, 16!!!!

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